REdI Annual Conference 2024

Regulatory Education for Industry (REdI) Annual Conference
Innovation in Medical Product Development
May 29-30, 2024

Featuring three medical product center sessions:

Drugs (CDER), Devices (CDRH), and Biologics (CBER)

Learn directly from the FDA’s regulatory experts in medical product centers: drugs, devices, and biologics. This course is designed to provide participants with a strong, basic foundation in the FDA’s regulatory requirements, and also create awareness of current activities.

Click Here for Workshop Details

Agenda & Speaker Bios

Event Agenda

The agenda is still being refined and may be updated over time. The current version is v6, uploaded on May 12, 2024.

Speaker Biographies

The speaker biographies document provides detailed information for each of the event presenters.

Files & Recordings

Download Presentation Slides:

Session Recordings:

Recordings will be linked here as soon as they are available.

Questions & More Information


Please refer the FAQs page on this website. If you are not able to find your answer there, please email us at

More Information

If you have questions regarding the content of the event or other CDER-specific information, please: