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SBIA Events PowerPoint Template

Click to download the PowerPoint Template for SBIA Events

Presentation Design Reference Guide & Other Resources:

Click to download the Presentation Design Reference Guide

Click to download the CDER Presentations Skills Course Participant Guide (circa 2015)

Loads of great info to design and deliver from the Powerful Presentations Resources Page

Use Animation to Bring in Bullets 1-by-1: Watch a YouTube tutorial

*** No disclaimers are needed nor are the encouraged *** See the CDER Clearance MAPP for details

Speakers: Pre-Recording Your Presentation

Click to download the latest version of the Pre-Recording Your Presentation Quick Reference
(Version 6, updated November 2020)

See the detailed Microsoft page that was the source for the guide: Record a slide show with narration and slide timings

If you need assistance working through the guide, email Jeff Kelly at to schedule assistance.

Recording Tips:

  1. Rehearse the full presentation twice before you make your first recording.
  2. Make sure you are in a quiet environment and in a relaxed mood for your recording. We want a nice, friendly pace to your voice.
  3. Make your presentation “conversational”. Do not approach it as “narrating” your slides. The audience wants to hear from a real, live, FDA staffer. Be human and friendly.
  4. Many speakers start out each slide REALLY LOUD and then lose volume over time. Keep a nice, even volume to your voice throughout the slide.
  5. If you have a headset microphone available, it will often give better sound than using the internal laptop microphone. NOTE: You may need to make sure your headset is your default microphone in Windows. Follow these instructions to set your default microphone.
  6. Optimize your microphone in Windows: Please watch this YouTube video for tips on getting your mic optimized.
  7. If you are using the internal laptop microphone, do not speak too close to that microphone. Sit 18-24 inches from the laptop and project your voice strongly.
  8. Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. There is no need to re-record for minor flubs or stumbles – that is normal. You should only re-record a slide if you REALLY mangle the ideas you are sharing.
  9. TO LISTEN TO YOUR RECORDING: Quit out of the recording interface and then got to the “Slideshow” menu of PowerPoint. Make sure that both the “Play Narrations” and “Use Timings” boxes are checked on. Then you can start the Slideshow and you should hear your recorded narration.
  10. Instead of having to click on the little “Next” button on the right side of the screen, you can use the right-arrow key on your keyboard to advance slide/animations.
  11. For two or more people presenting from a single PPTX file: 1) You each should record the narration of your slides only, send me the PPTX, and I will combine them into a single PPTX file; and 2) You can include “baton passes” in your narration, such as, “Now I will turn it over to Suranjan who will speak about…”.

Recording FAQs:

Q: When I try to record my slides the animation (bullets coming in on-by-one) does not work. Why?

A: This is usually due to people failing to click the red, circular “Record” button in the upper left corner when they go into record mode.

Q: I need to include a live demo in my presentation. How do I pre-record that?

A: PowerPoint has a great built-in screen recording capability! All you need to do is insert a blank slide in your PowerPoint wherever you want to include the demo and then follow these directions from Microsoft

Q: When I use “Slideshow” mode to listen to my recording, I do not hear my recordings. Why?

A: There are a few reasons why this might happen. To troubleshoot:

  1. Confirm that you can hear audio from other audio from other websites, etc.
  2. Confirm that when you go to the “Slideshow” menu to playback your recording, both the “Play Narrations” and “Use Timings” boxes are checked on.
  3. It may be that your PC microphone is muted. For most PCs, the “F4” key on your keyboard will mute and unmute your Mic.
  4. If you are using the microphone built into your PC, be sure your laptop lid is open, facing you, and you do not have anything covering your webcam  (the mics are on either side of the webcam).
  5. If you have a second Mic connected to your PC, PowerPoint may not be using it. If that is the case you can FOLLOW THESE STEPS to select and test your Mic

Please contact Jeff Kelly if none of those steps solve the issue.

Speakers & Panelists: Connecting From Home

There is now one “Connecting From Home” guide for both Webinars and Conferences. Please be sure you select the CORRECT link in the Guide to connect to your Webinar or your Conference.

Reviewing & Selecting Questions for Q&A (Speakers & SMEs)

Click to download the latest version of the Access and Edit the Questions Review Spreadsheet